Thought Leadership

We aren't just experts in beauty and wellness, we are also passionate customers. See how our devotion to this industry inspires our needle-moving work.

Celebrating Our First Womxm’s Healthcare Client

by | October 28, 2021

We are a team of mostly womxn, so it’s only natural that breaking down taboos around womxn’s health is our passion.

Which is why working with vaginal health brand FemiClear is a dream come true for us. Let’s say it another way — YEAST INFECTIONS HAPPEN. HERPES HAPPENS. And thanks to FemiClear, womxn finally have stigma-free, science-backed solutions that are 100% natural, easy to find (at your local drugstore or foodstore) and no perscription needed.

Thanks to FemiClear founder, Caroline Goodner, and CMO, Jenni Pustinger, for trusting us with their amazing company.

Read more about this exciting partnership here!

FEATURED TOPICS: Client Services