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The Shortest Distance Between the Daunting Drama of Acne and Clear, Healthy Skin

by | July 31, 2023

This article is about skincare, but not in the way you might expect given my job. It’s about the power of lotions and potions, but also about being a mom and feeling like a superstar. This is all thanks to my agency’s 1.5 year collaboration with Face Reality Skincare, a 16-year old California-based brand founded by esthetician, Laura Cooksey, and led by CEO, Jeremy Soine.

Face Reality is a professional-only acne brand — they provide licensed estheticians with an adaptive system for treating moderate to severe acne. Their total focus is on acne and they are completely devoted to the relationship between the esty and their client. It’s a very specific approach to a very complicated condition.

In our work with Face Reality we say that everyone knows someone challenged with moderate to severe acne. And now I do too – my tween daughter and teen son. When my kids and I noticed changes in their skin that weren’t being solved by just washing their face, we became Face Reality customers. Because I’ve seen so many Face Reality before and afters, I know that the approach has a 90% success rate and I was confident that the guidance of an esty was essential to the process. I could have bought drug store products or visited the dermatologist. But I knew that Face Reality works, and am so grateful that I could use my industry expertise to help my kids!

I found a local Face Reality trained esty and took both kids for a consultation. Our esty Kathy told the kids what an esty does, how acne works, identified common triggers and told them that their skin will clear, but only if they are consistent with their routine. She evaluated their skin and gave both kids unique regimens. The best part is that Kathy taught them how to use the products, one by one, at her sink. She patiently talked them through each product, watching them apply and giving them tips. Thanks to this, a multi-step skincare routine that on paper is abstract and overwhelming, was shown to be easy and simple.

I am not exaggerating when I say that pimples that were agonized over for months were gone in 5 days. There was a noticeable impact that gave the kids confidence in the process. They know that acne is not solved for quickly, and the kids are prepared for frequent visits to Kathy for treatments and assessment, and tweaks to their routine, but already a huge change has been felt in this household. I truly feel like a superstar mom because thanks to my day job I know the shortest distance between the daunting drama of acne and clear, healthy skin.

I just read about Influencer Blair Imani’s own Face Reality acne journey in Glamour and it inspired me to share my family’s own experience.

Message our CEO with your thoughts: Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have questions about Face Reality.